〈速報〉デ・ニーロ「殴ってやりたい」トランプ氏に罵倒の嵐 - 日刊スポーツ芸能速報 - 朝日新聞デジタル&M
俳優ロバート・デ・ニーロ(73)が、セレブが大統領選挙の投票を促進するためのキャンペーン・ビデオ「Get Out The Vote(票を引き出せ)」の中で、米大統領選の共和党候補ドナルド・トランプ氏
米フォックスニュースによると、同ビデオは最終的に非公開となったものの、米フォックス局の報道番組「The Kelly File」が入手し、公開。フェイスブックでも、すでに5000万人以上が視聴したという。デ・ニーロはビデオの中で、「ドナルド・トランプは大バカだ。チンピラ、犬、ブタ、いかさま師、くそアーティストだ。自分が何を言っているかわかっていない、下調べもしない、何も気にしない、社会をもてあそび、税金も払わないアホだ」とトランプ氏をありとあらゆる言葉で罵倒。
De Niro Absolutely Goes Off on Trump: Id Like to Punch Him in the Face
- artist, a mutt who doesn"t know what he"s talking about, doesn"t do his homework, doesn"t care, thinks he"s gaming society, doesn"t pay his taxes. He"s an idiot. Colin Powell said it best: He"s a national disaster. He"s an embarrassment to this country. It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has. He talks how he"d like to punch people in the face? Well, I"d like to punch him in the face. This is somebody that we want for president? I don"t think so. What I care about is the direction of this country, and what I"m very, very worried about is that it might go in the wrong direction with someone like Donald Trump. If you care about your future, vote for it."
Watch the "Kelly File" exclusive and see ad expert Mark McKinnon react above.
出典:De Niro Absolutely Goes Off on Trump: Id Like to Punch Him in the Face